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Monday 25 July 2022

Windows 11 Tips: These tips and tricks will make your laptop super fast

  gurcharan singh       Monday 25 July 2022
Windows 11 Tips
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If you are in troubled by Windows 11 slow speed, then in this post we have brought five very useful tricks and tips for you, With using this tricks you can easily speed up your Windows 11 speed.
Microsoft's Windows 11 has brought many features. In this, the user can also customize the Start Menu and Taskbar in his Windows. In Windows 11, you get to see a new user interface. Because Microsoft has made changes in many factors of memory management, disk usage, app priority, CPU and battery in Windows 11. So Windows 11 needs to be optimized properly.
If you use these customizations properly, then your system will also work at twice the speed and there will be no problem of hanging. If you are troubled by Windows 11 slow speed, then in this report we have brought 3 very useful tricks and tips for you, using which you can easily speed up your Windows 11 speed. Let's see...

1. Restart and Update

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This is the easiest and most important way to speed up the system. Sometimes updating the system becomes very important for security and also for the latest software. To update the system, first go to the Settings menu, then click on Windows Update and select Check for updates. If any update is showing in your system then do system update and restart your system.
After system update, you can turn off Automatic Windows Update, this will not eliminate unnecessary data in your system and will not make your system work slow. To turn off automatic Windows updates, go to the RUN menu, type Service, then go to the Windows Update option and select Manual in the Startup type.

2. Disable Startup Programs/Apps

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The speed can also be increased by disabling startup programs in Windows 11. These startup programs start as soon as you start your PC and slow down the system from you. To disable them, select Task Manager from the Start menu. You can also use Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
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After this, disable the non-essential app by going to the Startup option. You can easily disable the app by clicking on the site. You can also disable the app by going directly to the app's startup menu.
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3. Upgrade to RAM and Memory

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The role of RAM and memory is very important in the speed of your computer or laptop. If your system has Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and you shift to Solid State Drive (SSD) then you will notice a lot of change in system speed. The read-write speed of HDD is less whereas the read-write speed of SSD will be more than five times that of HDD. If your system becomes too slow, you can also consider installing an SSD.

Thanks for reading Windows 11 Tips: These tips and tricks will make your laptop super fast

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